Creative Direction
Design Direction
Campaign Design
Digital & Animation
Art Direction

AL HILAL is the Saudi's most prestigious football club. Historically it has been part of Saudi since before the start of Saudi Arabia's first football league. It is the main football club of Riyadh, and a pride of Saudi's largest region: NAJD. However the team, through time, the team has lost it's connection with its fans. The emotion and passion is missing. AL HILAL now doesn't seem like the team that carried the spirit and heritage that made fans feel connected once before.
AL HILAL together with Puma, their main sponsor, wanted to reignite the fire within the team and it's followers. In order to do so, they launched their new set of jerseys that would be rooted in the team's heritage. And to help ignite the feeling of pride in its fans and attract a younger audience, a new look and feel, and launch campaign came with it. An image and communication that reflected the energy and heritiage the team carried with them
The design draws inspiration from a vibrant modern representation of the Najd triangle patterns called "Furjah" , typical of old Saud settlements that defined the vernacular architecture of early settlements in the region and that have, to date, become a symbol of Saudi.
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