Turning a traditional burger recipe into a fashion lable.
Design Strategy
Campaign Branding
Art/ Design Direction
Fashion Design
Mushroom & Swiss is one of Hardee's oldest and most traditional burger. Its sauce is a very tasty mix of creamy soft mushrooms, that when topped with finely sliced quality Swiss cheese, the combination is truly one of the most unique and tastiest burgers in the market.
Because of this combination, Mushroom N Swiss had always been Hardee's real "star burger". It had been the burger of choice for the all generations that enjoyed the uniqueness of their original recipe
But with time, Mushroom-N-Swiss had become less present in peoples minds when thinking of burgers, especially the newer generations that are always seeking out new flavours, new trends, and new experiences. M&S had no longer become top of mind. Hardee's "Star Burger" was not a star burger anymore.
Hardee's needed to bring M&S back into people's mind. and especially into the minds of the younger audiences. It had to be a household name again, but one that is shared and talked about on todays media outlets. Hardee's asked us to create a campaign around the M&S, bring it back into the scene, and make it the trending topic...they take it from there.

The world's first sauce you could actually wear.
The task wasn't easy, How do you capture a generation of people that have already seen, and tried it all. One that doesn't dwell in past, but seeks new experiences and flavors. A generation that doesn't stand still and one that is always seeking attention by simply being different.
Well, we gave them exactly what they wanted. We gave them an experience that would make them stand out, we gave them a trend they could take home or talk about with their friends.
We made the first burger sauce, you could actually wear.
We created a fashion collection inspired by the clash of the two ingredients that make the product so special : MUSHROOM N SWISS.

We launched th collection during Dubai Fashion Week. And with it, a strategic campaign through social media, digital and outdoor.
We brought the collection to life across all channels and worked closely with fashion designers to carefully craft every piece of apparel, Working together with important influencers. We created a launch campaign and made the collection BIG.
Through strong digital, outdoor, and social media presence we rove attention the the collection. Making it the Hippest, trendiest collection of 2021 in the UAE.